727·330·3500    ·    Denise Mensa-Cohen, Enrolled Agent    ·    Office Located in Clearwater, Florida
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One-Time Thing: IRA to HSA transfer

One-Time Thing: IRA to HSA transfer

Did you know that you can transfer funds directly from your IRA to a Health Savings Account (HSA) without taxes or penalties? Under current law, you’re permitted to make one such “qualified HSA funding distribution” during your lifetime. Typically, if you have...
One-Time Thing: IRA to HSA transfer

Is Disability Income Taxable?

If you may be eligible for disability income should you become disabled, it’s important to know whether that income will be taxable. As is often the case with tax questions, the answer is “it depends.” Key Factor The key factor is who paid it. If your employer...
One-Time Thing: IRA to HSA transfer

Tax Treatment of Cryptocurrency

Questions surrounding the tax treatment of cryptocurrency are complex. According to recent IRS Revenue Ruling 2023-14, the process of verifying ownership of cryptocurrency is called “ staking.” And when a taxpayer has successfully staked his or her units of...
One-Time Thing: IRA to HSA transfer

What Exactly Is a “Small Business”?

Although your business may seem big to you, you may wonder how the government classifies it. A recent report by the Joint Committee on Taxation, a nonpartisan committee of the U.S. Congress, discusses what a “small business” is for tax purposes. As the report states,...
One-Time Thing: IRA to HSA transfer

Don’t Get Carried Away by a Windfall

Receiving a sudden and sizable influx of cash may seem like a dream come true. It can be, but many people get carried away and end up in worse financial shape. If you’re hit with a financial windfall, here are some points you should know. Risky Conditions You...

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