727·330·3500    ·    Denise Mensa-Cohen, Enrolled Agent    ·    Office Located in Clearwater, Florida
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Saving for Education: Understanding 529 Plans

What Are Estimated Tax Payments?

Estimated tax is the method used to pay tax on income not subject to withholding, such as income from self-employment, interest, dividends, alimony, and rent and gains from the sale of assets, prizes, and awards. You also may have to pay an estimated tax if the income...
Saving for Education: Understanding 529 Plans

Deducting Medical and Dental Expenses

If you, your spouse, or dependents had significant medical or dental costs in 2022, you may be able to deduct those expenses when you file your tax return this year. Here’s what you should know about medical and dental expenses and other benefits: You Must...

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