727·330·3500    ·    Denise Mensa-Cohen, Enrolled Agent    ·    Office Located in Clearwater, Florida
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Extension Deadline Looming for 2020 Tax Returns

What Is a Designated Roth Account?

Many 401(k) plans allow taxpayers to make Roth contributions as long as the plan has a designated Roth account. Your plan may also allow you to transfer amounts to the designated Roth account in the plan or borrow money. Check with your employer to find out if your...
Extension Deadline Looming for 2020 Tax Returns

How To Get an Identity Protection Pin

An Identity Protection PIN is a six-digit number eligible taxpayers get to help prevent their Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number from being used to file fraudulent federal income tax returns. This number helps the IRS verify a...
Extension Deadline Looming for 2020 Tax Returns

Keeping Good Tax Records Is Essential

An important part of tax planning is keeping good records. Having an organized recordkeeping system makes it easier to file a tax return or understand a letter from the IRS. Here are some tips: Good Recordkeeping Helps Taxpayers: Identify sources of income. Taxpayers...

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