727·330·3500    ·    Denise Mensa-Cohen, Enrolled Agent    ·    Office Located in Clearwater, Florida
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Beginning January 1, 2021, and extending through December 31, 2022, businesses can claim 100% of their food or beverage expenses paid to restaurants as long as the business owner (or an employee of the business) is present when food or beverages are provided, and the expense is not lavish or extravagant under the circumstances.

In most tax years, there is a 50% limit on the amount that businesses may deduct for food or beverages. The temporary exception was included in the Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Relief Act of 2020, part of a series of tax laws intended to provide coronavirus-related relief.

Where can businesses get food and beverages and claim 100%?

Under the temporary provision, restaurants include businesses that prepare and sell food or beverages to retail customers for immediate on-premises and/or off-premises consumption. However, restaurants do not include businesses that primarily sell pre-packaged goods, not for immediate consumption, such as grocery stores and convenience stores.

Additionally, an employer may not treat certain employer-operated eating facilities like restaurants, even if a third party operates these facilities under contract with the employer.


For more information about this and other coronavirus-related tax relief for business owners, please contact the office today.

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