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Working Remotely Could Affect Your Taxes
When COVID-19 struck, many employers quickly switched to a work-from-home model for their employees. Many of them began working in a state other than where their office was located. While some workers have returned to their offices, as the pandemic drags on, more...
Important Tax Changes for Individuals and Businesses
Every year, it's a sure bet that there will be changes to current tax law, and this year is no different. From standard deductions to health savings accounts and tax rate schedules, here's a checklist of tax changes to help you plan the year ahead. Individuals In...
Three Tips for Getting an Accurate Business Valuation
If you're conscientious about financial reporting, you may already have a sense of your company's worth, but in some instances, you might need a formal business valuation, such as: Certain transactions: Are you selling your business? Planning an IPO? Need financing?...
What’s New for IRS Form 1040 This Year
If you've gathered your tax documents and are ready to tackle your tax return, there's one more step you should take: becoming familiar with what's new on the 2021 Form 1040. While the format of Form 1040 and its schedules remain similar to 2020, there are several...
Standard Mileage Rates for 2022
Starting January 1, 2022, the standard mileage rates for the use of a car, van, pickup, or panel truck are as follows: 58.5 cents per mile driven for business use, up 2.5 cents from the rate for 2021 18 cents per mile driven for medical or moving purposes for...
Tax Credits for Accommodating Disabled Workers
Businesses that make structural adaptations or other accommodations for employees or customers with disabilities may be eligible for tax credits and deductions. Let's take a look at a few of the tax incentives that are available to encourage employers to hire...
The 2022 Tax Filing Season: What You Need to Know
Monday, January 24, 2022, was the official start to this year's tax season. By now, everyone should have received most of the information they need to make sure they file a complete and accurate return. The start date for individual tax return filers is determined by...
What To Know About Keeping Good Tax Records
It's January and tax season is right around the corner. For many people that means scrambling to collect receipts, mileage logs, and other tax-related documents needed to prepare their tax returns. If this describes you, chances are, you're wishing you'd kept on top...
Watch Out for Holiday Gift Card Scams
There's never an off-season when it comes to scammers and thieves who want to trick people into scamming them out of money, stealing their personal information, or talking them into engaging in questionable behavior with their taxes. While scam attempts typically peak...
Why Using the Correct Filing Status Matters
As taxpayers get ready for the upcoming filing season, one needs to know their correct filing status. A taxpayer's filing status defines the type of tax return form they should use when filing their taxes. Filing status can affect the amount of tax they owe, and it...